embodied community
The path to embodied living, held in a mature, sensitive and brave community in Kreuzberg
starting Spring 2025
find out what it’s about here
A M I R E S T E D?
| physically | mentally | energetically
Understanding & practising Energetics
It doesn’t matter how many intelligent ways you might come up with to rest, if you are not practised in the art of receiving, then you will not feel rested, no matter what you do. The pathway to embodied living is one of understanding the relationship between the ideas and beliefs you hold in your mind and body, and your ability to lean into something beyond your own default programming.
There is a link between being receptive to all of life, not just the sunshine, and the true and flowing state of rest, because ultimately it comes down to cultivating the skill of staying open, even if you’re in contraction. Most of us are so used to being compressed into shut down, that we don’t know how to trust in the feeling of rest. There’s a constant and very exhausting state of vigilance that is difficult to put down because it presses on the sense of belonging and safety that we as humans depend upon. Learning how to find rest, even when tension is present is an embodied skill, meaning it requires alignment of the mind, body and energy. It asks you to interrogate the beliefs you hold about yourself and where you find meaning in your life, beyond productivity, functionality and extraction.
Rest is not entirely passive, it is a skill that requires devotion and boundaries around how much you give and why, who or what holds power over you and how you reconnect to your own sense of inner-power.
This months Immersion is an interactive space with exercises to guide you in investigating your relationship to rest and to living. You will learn about receptivity as well as different energy deficits and different forms of rest, beyond the obvious.
Saturday 23rd November | 10:30-13:00 | Audre-Lorde-Str. 40
Immersion is the monthly community ritual, we gather to receive and embody, to honour your devotion to the work of reunifying mind, body and spirit. Booking closes 22:00 the night before.
Trying to evolve beyond the perfectionist? Recover from a lifetime of inner critic dictatorship? Develop your ability to listen to the consciousness of your body? Regulate your nervous system, reach your potential, tend to your grief? ET-CET-ERA !
Whatever it is you are on your way towards, much of the work you do with me is Energetics. Meaning it works beyond your rational mind (and all of its conditioning), beyond your surface level perception of who you are and what you're doing.
Energy work is powerful because it connects you to the universal, to that which is greater than you. We access the source of our creativity and power when we work at this level. We start playing in an entirely different field. The mind and body are mostly landscapes where you can witness your energy, both in motion and stagnation.
The more you can understand and honour the nature of working energetically, the more you will be able to develop a practice that serves you way beyond the time you spend doing it.
This is when, rather than a place to escape to and feel momentarily ‘better’ in, the work becomes an expansive holding, pulsing through everything you do.
And that is important - cultivating a practice that holds and guides you through life, be it in relation to yourself or to others. One that cannot be bent to your personal agenda or the ideas of other people, because it is aligned to the highest source and will therefore always reveal the truth eventually, no matter how much we resist or try to opt for more convenient options.
We are always working in this place in the Immersions, so for this session I will be demystifying much of what runs through it, pointing out misunderstandings or misuses and empowering the decision to trust the wisdom that lies beyond rationality.
July 27th 10.30-12.30 | Audre-Lorde-Str, Kreuzberg
A Summer Solstice Somatic Ritual to empower the Brightness inside of you, in community alongside each other.
These are the times we live in - waiting for things to get easier before you prioritise your spark and creativity is not the way.
There is a constant state of vigilance required not to slip under, not to give in to a very tempting sense of hopelessness and fear, or succumb to the confusion that we're being seduced by.
In our hearts we know, and it's through the body and practices of love, joy and brightness that we can resource, strengthen and encourage this knowing.
These are the times that we live in and that asks for us to be resilient, to be as resourced as we can be, to be in connection with an inner state of power. It's a constant dance to keep seeing yourself and the world around you with clear sight and we can't give up on that now.
Yes - I am daring you to celebrate yourselves with me. Daring you to stand in your beauty, your pleasure, your power - even now. Especially now.
I am offering this ritual as a community gathering, to come back to each other, to hold a space to remember joy, love, gratitude and devotion to all of life. This is how you maintain the strength of your spirit. This is how you learn to stay open and sensitive. That sensitivity must not be crushed - so let's give some space to frolic, to feel love and everything that accompanies the fullness of what it means to love.
This is a ritual of Brightness and Light, which as ever recognises that we don't exist as polarities, we are at all times both this and that, and so in order to celebrate The Brightness, we must allow room for the darkness.
Book here Saturday 22nd June 2024 10.30-12.30, Audre Lorde Strasse 40, Kreuzberg, Berlin
Saturday 20th January 10:30-13:30
anti-urgency in motion
lessons in how to stay open when holding a vision for the future
It's the typical time of year when the invitation to make plans, envision the future and set intentions is at odds with the need to take stock, feel, rest and let things die back.
Late stage capitalism still wants you to believe you can have everything and be anything you want over night, meanwhile the world is crumbling around us.
There's urgency everywhere and much of it feels very real, when considering the state of affairs we face and the increasing conflict and instability around us.
And yet, in the Yoga world, we're told over and over to slow down. But what happens when we slow down so much we stagnate? What if moving slow becomes another way we avoid taking responsibility for our own lives and contributions?
In this workshop I will be teaching about how to stay open under the tension of making decisions and connecting with your true desire, without rushing or disassociating. No quick fixes, no desperate attempts to control everything, no disheartened abandon and no ‘leaving it all up to the universe’. Simply a regulated, mature relationship with the power and potential of your own life.
In the Immersion Workshops you learn how to rely on the power held in your mind, body and spirit. The movement practice is tender, invigorating and versatile. It’s deliberately designed as an embodied ritual, developing your ability to listen to and trust in the internal compass of your whole system. It’s a pathway to emotional maturity though self enquiry, love and compassion.
SUNDAY 17TH DECEMBER 16:30-18:30
Tender, Somatic, Intimate + Invigorating
You’re invited to meet and practice together for the final Immersion of 2023.
I’ve planned this session a little differently from the rest of this years workshops, instead of Saturday morning, we will meet after sunset on a Sunday evening. The space will be warm and cosy and will offer a gentle landing into the body.
Of course, there will be a teaching, but mostly it will be a held space, a soft den, a ritual to practice together once more before the closing of this year.
Basically, we will be doing a really gorgeous deep somatic practice, and holding a deeply loving space to move, breath & connect.
The practice will be tender, intimate and invigorating. The music will be mind blowing (obviously).
NExt Immersion Workshop: Winter’s Descent, the wisdom of contraction
I will be teaching about the necessity of the descent, in and down, all the way down, that invites a deeper self-reflection and reveals the wisdom entrenched in the parts of the psyche you prefer to avoid.
Instead of resisting and denying the darker depths of the shadows we carry, I call you to look into them, to see the truth that lies inside of you.
In this class I will be teaching to the darker feminine energetics that reveal suppressed emotions and how to uncover the power needed to face them. Instead of self-pity, shame, rumination or down right avoidance, the feminine depths of winter remind you that the darker, longer nights have plenty to tell. And it is time you learnt how to listen.
We will look at how to be with these depths without freezing and getting stuck, and which practices will guide you through this essential phase of life.
Nervous System 101 - The Full Range Edition
Saturday 23rd September 2023, 10.30-13.00, Manteuffelstraße. 40
Understand the evolution of the Human Nervous System and learn the unique qualities of your own system. You will learn what each state feels like in your own body, including what stimulates it. You’ll generate your own codes to help you identify the different states, befriend them and learn how to respond to them in a way that helps your body process, rather than avoid, reject or deny.
This is essential education and maintenance for navigating the stressors of modern living and developing an emotional mature toolkit so that you can live expansively without falling into overwhelm or shut down.
This workshop is the foundation to working deeper with me, because aside from how it will help you navigate your daily life and relationships, it will also provide you the more resilient basis required for anyone who thinks they're ready to start looking into the hidden spaces inside of themselves. It's the preparation required in order to hold yourself steadily as you begin to feel complicated or confronting emotions and re-pattern yourself.